I’m thinking of the type of thing you wished you knew sooner. But if you have other advice, please share!

I’m a couple months (officially) into running a videography business and would love to use this post to share and help each other.

My Advice: I was into videography and doing it as a side hustle for almost a year but kept delaying registering myself as a business. If I could go back, I’d do that sooner.

  • Spend a few hundred dollars on a lawyer / accountant to make sure it’s set up well in the beginning legalities wise. The money will come back to you almost immediately and it can potentially save you absolutely massive difficulties.

    Track metrics, have a list of the main stuff you’re keeping an eye on and what your goals are for it. It’s surprisingly easy to get distracted and work on the fun tasks instead of the tasks that will grow the business (I mean, you need a mix of both, but track your metrics and be honest about what areas are working and not.)

    Take care of yourself. Sleep, exercise, don’t get stressed, take breaks. You being in good shape will grow the business; you falling apart will tear it down even if you hit your goal for the month in your work output.

    Bring the love. It’ll make what you’re doing more enjoyable. Do a fucking fantastic job on stuff because it’s enjoyable and pride-inducing to do that; that’s actually easier to do that way than forcing yourself through a crappy job because you have to do this thing for this task.