• russian transition procedure was really liberal btw, the only problem was that it wasn’t covered by national insurance (didn’t cost too much tho, maybe 2000 usd for the whole ordeal from the commission to surgery)

    they’re really just attacking the smallest minority that hurt absolutely nobody

    • It’s not “really liberal” if you’re forced to interact with psychiatrists and commissions and whatever the hell to change your documents. “At least you weren’t forced to have ‘The’ surgery™ to change your documents” is a really, really low floor. Argentina set the standard in 2012: self ID means self ID, you just submit your request and get a new birth certificate, then submit that do refresh the ID card.

      • while that’s true, that’s also about what id expect in any other country (arguably even better, see putin’s ptr server, belarus, where you have to “prove” you’re trans for 2 years before starting anything)