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Twitter post by @DirtyTesLa: Thankful to have Cybertruck to help me with the real work and big loads 🙏 (image of Cybertruck with several bags of soil in the trunk)
Reply by @KralikLj: Hell boy that would fit in a bicycle. Way more carbon free than that wankpanzer. (image of cargo bicycle with several bags of soil strapped to the front)
I’m in the unfortunate position of not living in a place to practically use that bicycle, and being unable to afford a cybertruck. I wouldn’t buy one, even if I could afford it, but I’d like to be in that position.
tbh such kind of bicycle will hardly be practical anywhere
I see them around here (Germany) and they seem quite practical, although ones with 3 or more wheels are most popular here. Especially for such heavy loads.
Not a custom job so there must be demand for it, therefore it must be practical somewhere.
For me, personally, I prefer pulling a cart instead of pushing with all the weight on your handlebars\turning.