• Let’s look at events objectively.

    Person A: Doesn’t like something and so publicly criticises it.

    Person B: Asks for an opportunity to defend the thing and themselves.

    Person A: Says no

    Person B: Insists

    Person A: Then posts about person B on social media in a defamatory manner.

    Social Media: Well person B is a CEO, so it’s par for the course.

    Me: Actually, it’s par for the course that someone be given the right to defend themselves

    You: You’re victim blaming.

    Me: 🥴

    Honestly, I don’t give a shit either way. I don’t even know the name or URL of the search engine and I doubt I’ll ever meet Lori. I just posted my opinion on something that was in my feed. 🤦🏾‍♂️