• Beeper doesn’t support Microsoft Teams, for example, and is a Matrix.org based software as a service with several gateways/appservices which you can self host.

      So yes, while both projects are about services, their approach is a bit different (overspimplified: client centric vs. server centric).

      I’d love beeper to have MS Teams and I applied for an invite but never got one.

      • I prepaid for one year in order to join the beta testing (which has ended). Then the founder of Beeper gave me a lifetime free subscription.

        I’m not sure, exactly, where they are with the list of people who signed up without prepaying. However, I have noticed a tremendous influx of users over the past several months.

        I believe that they would be open to the inclusion of MS Teams. They have been open to just about everything that I’ve thrown at them. They are trying to become the “best chat app on Earth”.

        EDIT: I asked the Beeper team about this and their spokesperson responded: “It is on the list to investigate sometime in the future.”