•  NaN   ( @Bitrot@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
    29 days ago

    On iOS, hitting vol up, then vol down, then hold power for a second will instantly lock down and also no danger of accidentally calling 911 or whatever.

    It’s also the fast way to get to the power option.

    • Sure but holding volume up and power until the phone vibrates is a much faster and easier method and there is little worry you might accidentally call 911. It’s also easier to do without looking.

      It has a countdown before calling with vibrations on every number.

        •  Luvon   ( @Luvon@beehaw.org ) 
          27 days ago

          For me it’s much easier to lock the phone by holding any volume and power then to remember the sequence needed to force power of the phone.

          Clicking 5 times on power is probably faster, but I forgot that existed and if I’m trying to do something quickly essentially squeezing my phone is easier than trying to tap the correct side 5 times quickly under pressure. And much easier to me then trying to remember the force power off sequence and performing it without looking under stress.

          Especially on the iPhone 15 pros there is now another button so getting the up down up power means finding the correct up button.

          I’ve looked up that sequence numerous times when I’ve needed to force reboot and I still forget it half the time.