• Mocking the minority of people who hold these opinions just gives them more attention than they deserve. No one relevant actually cares that the character is being played by a black actor. As always, the majority of complaining is coming from conservative trolls who take their anti-woke brigade to literally any film or TV series that has cast minorities in leading roles. It’s just the same people doing it every time, they are not actually fans of any of these things and were never going to watch them anyway.

    • Yeah, I feel the same way.

      There’s always going to be dickheads on the internet, and I think in this case it’s a very small group and of that group you could probably count on one had that are actually Dr. Who fans, if there’s any at all.

      If it were a significant percentage of fans then there might be something to talk about. But this seems another case of people that don’t know anything about a show and just seeing a black actor being cast in a role what was previously played by a white actor and making racist hay.

      Anyone that knows anything about Dr. Who knows the established lore allows any actor of any race or gender can play the part.