• You don’t watch Dr Who because they cast women and black men as the main character

    I don’t watch Dr Who because i have hated the piss poor writing since Moffat took over

    We are not the same

    Yes i am aware RTD is back, he had four episodes to bring me back to the franchise (three with my favourite Doctor) and i only kind of liked one of them.

    and that Goblin episode… wtf was that? Dumb… that’s what it was

    I thought i hated Matt Smith until i saw him in something that wasn’t written badly. Capaldi could have been a fantastic doctor if the writing wasn’t so shit. I gave up before i got to Whittaker so have no opinion of her tenure

    • Yes, so much so! Thank you, when I heard 10 was returning for a special I got so excited I started binging starting back at capaldi since that’s where I’d stopped. I didn’t make it through his tenure before the special aired. I was so disappointed in that first part of the special that I didn’t bother finishing capaldi or watching the next part of the special.

        • Yeah the dragon egg one was where I tapped out.

          A dragon egg? Instantly laid by a dragon that just hatched from another egg? With the exact same mass and size as the egg the dragon just hatched from? With the exact same craters as the previous egg? And that egg is the moon?

          Like the exact same kind of feeling that Supernintendo Chalmers had to hearing about the aurora borealis in Skinner’s kitchen.

  • I stopped watching Dr Who years ago, because the writing was terrible. The Doctor also suffers from Silver Age Superman Syndrome – they are so overpowered and know everything and are basically infallible. Boring. I don’t care what colour or gender they are, just get better writers.

  •  gregorum   ( @gregorum@lemm.ee ) 
    151 month ago

    I really like the 15th Doctor. Ncuti is doing a great job, and RTD really seems to know what to do with him. I really haven’t heard any complaints other than some people whining that the new season is a bit too “fantasy”, but, like, have you ever seen the show?

    •  Monument   ( @Monument@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
      1 month ago

      I only want realistic episodes of a show centered around a godlike being that can manifest any reality they choose.

      Where’s “The Doctor has to paint a fence”, “Dr. Who and people coughing while standing uncomfortably close at the shops” or even “Dr. Who’s request for holiday got denied and now they are answering emails on a glorious day”?
      If my escapist fantasy isn’t reminding me of my dreary life, then what’s the point?

    • I dislike how the stories end. The buildup is alright, the setting’s the same. But then the ending is terrible. The Doctor isn’t being clever or smart or witty or whatever, a solution randomly presents itself and that’s it.

      It’s like, great you can move the space station by causing a burst of baby farts, but you have a TARDIS. You can take the babies yourself. You even talked about that with the only adult there! He then was soundly defeated by the Maestro, only for the Beatles to randomly show up and play a random chord? They even had a clever way to defeat the Maestro (the bubble of silence that the sonic could create), and then did nothing with it.

      It’s just so… Meh. If only they could write the Doctor to be clever again, I’d enjoy it so much more!

  • Mocking the minority of people who hold these opinions just gives them more attention than they deserve. No one relevant actually cares that the character is being played by a black actor. As always, the majority of complaining is coming from conservative trolls who take their anti-woke brigade to literally any film or TV series that has cast minorities in leading roles. It’s just the same people doing it every time, they are not actually fans of any of these things and were never going to watch them anyway.

    • Yeah, I feel the same way.

      There’s always going to be dickheads on the internet, and I think in this case it’s a very small group and of that group you could probably count on one had that are actually Dr. Who fans, if there’s any at all.

      If it were a significant percentage of fans then there might be something to talk about. But this seems another case of people that don’t know anything about a show and just seeing a black actor being cast in a role what was previously played by a white actor and making racist hay.

      Anyone that knows anything about Dr. Who knows the established lore allows any actor of any race or gender can play the part.

  •  DaSaw   ( @DaSaw@midwest.social ) 
    61 month ago

    I just hope they eventually cast some fully Britishized actor originally out of Hong Kong… one trained in certain things Hong Kong actors are known for. I want a kung fu Doctor. :p

    •  Obi   ( @Obi@sopuli.xyz ) 
      41 month ago

      Just thinking of the running scenes through random spaceships being spiced up with some wall runs and flying rotating kicks and it is glorious.

  • I miss sci-fi stories written by better writers and can’t get behind this super special nonsense fantasy.

    God I wish even our shows weren’t monopolies now of old land holders.

    Who cares what an alien looks like other than the people that want it to be relatable for some reason instead of the companion