FUTO just launched their privacy focused keyboard app. I know there have been quite a few posts about keyboard recommendations, so this might be worth checking out if you’re not happy with your current one.

  • Ah. Of course. Something being open source doesn’t make it open source. It all makes sense now thank you for clarifying.

    If the license doesn’t meet the OSD, then it isn’t open-source, but just source-available. You are welcome.

    That also wasn’t technically a response to my comment, it was an ideological defense mechanism to avoid addressing the content of the license.

    It was. I pointed out, that FTL is a proprietary license. Because: «Open source doesn’t just mean access to the source code» © OSI

    • Yeah I don’t agree with the osd being the only approach to being open source. Turns out people have differing opinions on that. You’re welcome.

      It wasn’t a response to my comment because you didn’t respond to my comment. You said is proprietary. I point out that it’s not a terrible license. Then you resort to a sound bite non response.

      You could have pointed out for example that ftl 3.2 and 4.1 are pretty shitty limitations to impose.

      • Yeah I don’t agree with the osd being the only approach to being open source.

        Well, it isn’t the only one. FSF also has requirements for free-software licenses and FTL doesn’t meet them.

        It wasn’t a response to my comment because you didn’t respond to my comment. You said is proprietary. I point out that it’s not a terrible license.

        I was answering that statement: «does not appear to hide the code behind any proprietary shielding», 'cause it does.