• I did phones in a different century, so I don’t know whether this would fly today. But, my go-to for someone like this was “ok, I think I see the problem here. Shall we go ahead and fix it or do you need to do more yelling first?

        I can’t remember that line ever not shutting them down instantly. I never took it personally, whatever they had going on they were never angry at me personally.

        Then again, I do remember firing a couple of customers (“we don’t want your business any more etc”) after I later became a manager and people were abusive to staff. So you could be right, also.

    •  Admiral Patrick   ( @ptz@dubvee.org ) 
      14 days ago

      Yep, 100%.

      In college, I worked at a call center for one of the worst Banks of America (oops, meant banks in America 😉). Can confirm that, and I dealt with a LOT of angry customers.