•  tmpod   ( @tmpod@lemmy.pt ) OP
    41 year ago

    That would be quite utopian, however I feel such a thing would be incredible hard to achieve. Different form factors require different layouts, space is much tighter and should not be wasted. In desktop PC land, you have plenty of room to fit things as you want.
    It may not be showstopper, but it’s certainly a challenge. And of course, companies won’t like it :P

    • I feel like the opposite: the constraints are so well-known and so well defined that most phones end up looking the same anyway, we might as well just take one of them (any of them!) and make it a standard.

      companies won’t like it

      Apple/Samsung surely won’t. But I’d bet that the smaller ones would like to have some type of level-playing field. Also, imagine the amount of startups that could come up in the space.