•  rozwud   ( @rozwud@beehaw.org ) 
    2 months ago

    Alaska’s been good to me. We found a really nice place to spread my friend’s ashes. It was just off the trail and a very peaceful spot for the four of us to sit for awhile and figure out what we wanted to say and how we wanted to go about the whole thing.

    I’ve been on the road solo since the 16th. Met some really cool people in very brief periods of time. Not sure why I crave these transient experiences so much, but there’s something about them that is so good for my soul.

      •  rozwud   ( @rozwud@beehaw.org ) 
        72 months ago

        True that. I’m also trying to learn and grow and realizing that I am very very scared of being authentically me, and interactions with a wide variety of people make it easier to put bits and pieces of myself out there, but they never really quite add up. So it’s a bit of a crutch that I’m leaning on. I finally got off the wait list for a therapist, so that will be a thing to bring up for sure!

    • My children are off to Finland to do the same with our family friend who passed last year. Her wishes for the both of them to take time off and travel (train, bus, ferry) together, they’ve had an incredible trip so far and we are grateful they’ve getting this memorable experience with her one last time.

      I hope you find peace with your loss.

      •  rozwud   ( @rozwud@beehaw.org ) 
        21 month ago

        That’s so cool that she could give them those wishes! My friend died suddenly, so he didn’t pass any wishes on, but the four of us talked a lot, and we all felt at peace that we were honoring him in the way he would have wanted.