• I don’t get it either. Maybe the app integrates better into the system. I personally want to make use of my addons in Wikipedia as well, so the browser is the best Wikipedia reader to me.

    Offtopic, kind of related: Another application called Kiwix and it’s available library. Its not specifically for Wikipedia, so there are other stuff too. Its kind of a book reader that allows downloading the entirety of Wikipedia in example 94 GB, English version with images, set from 2023-05-17. There are smaller sets too. The point is, you have it offline! Stack Overflow with 74 GB is also available. I thought that I bring this up here, because anyone clicking this post might be interested into it too.

    • This is very good info.

      When she’s big enough I plan to set my daughter up with Wikipedia on an offline laptop like this.

      When I was little my Grandpa gave me a full set of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica and I used to love it.

      • That’s a good idea! Giving young kids access to internet is always a spicy topic. But we want them to get familiar with the important technology and give them access to information as well. Having this controlled offline setup is a good way. Have in mind, Kiwix has also all TED talks (or like in Wikipedia downloadable subsets too with smaller size) with educational talks about many topics, such as animals or media. TED talks are videos of people talking about a subject. This application is a game changer; and it’s available on the phones too, lol.