I was looking to buy a TV for my living room, but many people say that smart TVs are a privacy nightmare. I thought maybe I could buy a smart TV, disconnect it from the internet and plug in a raspberry pi or something. But I really don’t want to control it with a mouse and keyboard. 😵

So do any of you know of any good privacy friendly TV setups? Or know which brands are the least privacy invasive? Thanks ☺️

  • I think I will try Installing libreElec on my old laptop and see how that goes. I saw somewhere that the tv remote that the tv comes with might work because it sends the input through the HDMI. If that doesn’t work do you think IR remotes are better than Bluetooth?

    • I think bluetooth or 2.4 mhz is better than IR. Coming to think of it mine is a china something with keyboard on the side and remote on the other using 2.4 mhz. So point of line is not needed which is nice.

    • You can also just use your phone. The app is called Kore and is free and open source. It connects over the local network, so you don’t need an IR pointer or anything like that.

      Edit: Just noticed that the comment you replied to already mentioned Kore. Anyway, I actually prefer using it over a remote. I always have my phone with me, I can use the phone’s keyboard and I can share stuff like YouTube links directly to it.