I know this will sound paranoid as fuck, but I’ve really been thinking about Microsoft lately. Like, they’re pushing their Recall shit whether we like it or not. The fact that it even made it past the concept stage tells me that no one at Microsoft gives a single fuck about their users anymore. The final shreds of any trust I had in them as a company are gone and I’ve started thinking of them as an adversary.

Today I was considering Teams in particular. My company has been using it for maybe six years. When our email provider went teats up, I did some research and realized we had Microsoft cloud stuff included in our Action Pack subscription. We started using their email, and about the same time we started using Teams.

Teams offers EEE but only on Teams Premium, which we don’t pay extra for. Microsoft has access to every message and chat. They could be saving transcripts and voice calls. They might have accumulated billions of hours of voice data by now.

What could they do with all this data?

  1. Sell to LEO
  2. Commit corporate espionage
  3. Gather government secrets
  4. Use for AI training

Something else just occurred to me. I did research a while back on the software stacks that big tech companies use. Not one uses IIS.

I’ve been a Windows developer for thirty years. I used to like Microsoft. I looked forward to new versions of Windows and Visual Studio. Now I feel like they’ve lured us all in slowly until we put our throats in their jaws. Fucking mental.

Talk me down, if you can.

  • Teams is absolutely used already or going to be used to train AI. Probably already has been used in corporate espionage. And yes, IIS is a steaming pile of shit compared to the alternatives. It’s really only even entertained as an option at smaller businesses in my experience.

    •  Blizzard   ( @Blizzard@lemmy.zip ) 
      1126 days ago

      Teams is absolutely used already or going to be used to train AI.

      It is, it’s already doing transcripts and summaries / meeting minutes in the corpo I work in. I’m astonished how much they trust and rely on Microsoft services without giving it a second thought.

      • I work with our complianceand privacy attorneys and the contracts we maintain protect our data, state it is ours, and guarantees it is not used to train on ai.

        I hate ms as much as anyone hear but it is misguided to think no one is protecting your or your companies intersects.