I wasn’t expecting anything Earth-shattering coming out of this given that everyone at Fox News was salivating for fresh meat. Problem is, not having a straight answer for anything now becomes the narrative.

This was not a great look for either of them (as little time as Walz got).

If you haven’t seen it, links below:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

  • right, but she is still the better choice in this matter by a wide, wide margin.

    Not voting or voting for Trump because of this one issue , important though it is, and allowing a christo-facist authoritarian to assume power as a result seems like a horrible irresponsible take. (Not to mention Trump would only embolden Netanyahu and his cabinet.)

    How would abstaining or voting for Trump help the situation in Gaza at all?

      • I think people do care a lot, but this is the worst election to protest or shut down because of it. I know people always say that but in this case its true.

        Either way the people of Gaza have a much better chance if Trump is decisively defeated. Again, Trump is closely aligned with Netanyahu, and has said the IDF needs to “finish the job”. I would think people would be motivated to vote against him.

        • In this thread, I simply pointed out that she dodged the question about Gaza, and I was bombarded with replies about how I am endorsing Trump. This says to me that Beehaw is more scared of Trump than they care about the Palestinian genocide, bc y’all refuse to even have a conversation about this.

          Either way the people of Gaza have a much better chance if Trump is decisively defeated.

          I don’t disagree that Trump will be worse for the Palestinians. But I do disagree that things will be significantly better under Harris. 17000 dead children under Biden-Harris foreign policy, and Harris has given no indication that she will deviate from Biden’s policy on Israel.

          • Yes, no kidding people are more afraid of Trump. He wants to dismantle democracy and install himself and Christian facists. He wants to arrest and deport “dissidents”, citizens and non-citizens, millions of people.

            Are you implying Americans are complicit in genocide if they vote against their country becoming a violent facist state? (especially when when Trump, would also 100% make things worse in Gaza. He is a known islamaphobe, and has called for Netanyahu to “finish the job” etc). This is why people are getting pissy.

            There is absolutely a better chance of a new approach with Harris than with Trump, and to say otherwise is not based in reality.

            •  LukeZaz   ( @LukeZaz@beehaw.org ) 
              18 days ago

              Organization (protests, unions, joining a local political movement), education (yourself or others), pressuring candidates (call your reps, protests), mutual aid & voter enfranchisement (food banks, clothing donations, volunteering at polling stations, any effort to protect the homeless). All of these are options, and this is just what I can think of off the top of my head. If you’d like, here’s a page with a gallery of 346 nonviolent protest tactics.

              Much of America has become trained to think only in terms of a vote – a vote in a system that was deliberately unequal from its founding through to today – to the exclusion of all other action. To say this is suffocating to any effort to enact change is an understatement; it is self-defeating in the extreme, serves only to perpetuate the status quo or worse, and yet time and time again I see so many people who have spent next to no time thinking outside these terms.