Please don’t ask why I need this.

It would be great if the food also made me sweat a lot.

It doesn’t need to be something I can easily find.

  • Not what I was expecting in my feed, not going to lie. But I think as strange as this question is, it bodes well for original content on Lemmy… unfortunately.

    That being said anything with a laxative effect should do the trick. For lots of pooping and sweating you could go with the sugar-free gummy bears on Amazon.

    • This is cheating, that stuff doesn’t count as food.

      I had some sugar-free gelatin once, ate the whole bowl in one shot. Turns out it was sweetened with sugar alcohols which is similar to what’s in those gummies and the results were notable. That’s the secret ingredient, sugar alcohol. Monk fruit sugar has it too and a few spoons of that and you’ll have stories to tell.