after a busy last week things have calmed down significantly; about to finish a 900 page book in three days, which is quite an accomplishment

  •  rozwud   ( ) 
    32 months ago

    Do they need you to know exactly how you’re going to spend your money or just a prediction? When I was in school, student orgs had to apply for their funding every year based on what they spent the previous year and their predicted budget for the following year, but there was wiggle room for spending as long it was kept within certain budget categories, etc. It’s pretty shitty that was sprung on you last minute though.

    • We got another email clarifying the situation, and they state to submit “anticipated funding requests.” I’m just skeptical because I know the student union can be messy, and my club is fairly new. I’m sure it’ll be fine, it’s just… pretty abrupt. I also just feel pretty tuckered out, so I’m complaining. (ᵒ ᵕ ᵒ٥)ゞ

      Turns out they did spend all their money from this semester. ._. I can’t exactly blame them on that though. I’ve heard there have been more budget cuts.