Though the character of Indiana Jones or Harrison Ford as a person aren’t really worth to aspire to. Sure, the nazi punching part is great but being a sexist piece of shit isn’t…
okay, so, ford I get, but jones was, for a 1930s guy, slightly above average. today he’s the equivalent of a guy who maybe was into jordan peterson a decade ago but thinks this andrew tate shit is fucked and maybe we should treat women like people in theory, but kind of fucks it on the execution, and doesn’t get mad when you call him out on it, but doesn’t quite fix it either. then goes and takes out his frustration on a nazi’s face.
and I’ll put up with a LOT of misogyny to get some nazis punched.
edit: honestly, shitty incel dudes? you can paper over a lot of being “low value” and “creepy” with a wall full of flayed nazi tattoos. I’m not even straight and I’d consider it with enough of them.
Why do you choose to see Jones in the context of the 1930s? It is a character based on the values of the 80s and onward. On top of being misogynistic, the character of Indiana Jones is also being the white hero playing into many racist tropes. So using Jones as this Nazi fighting hero doesn’t work even on the most basic level. Again, I’m all for punching Nazis, but we should choose better heroes or even better: no heroes at all!
I’m pretty sure they were based on books. I could be wrong.
problematic is not the same as nazi. as demonstrated by many of our (great) grandfathers, who killed a whole buncha nazis, and generally believed killing nazis was cool and good, but were still massively racist homophobic transphobic misogynist assholes. again, you can call me whatever slurs you want, as long as you’re shooting nazis in the head while you do.
Indiana Jones is an original character from the movies. That said, he’s certainly based on adventure fiction and movies from the 30’s that inspired Spielberg.
Spielberg told Lucas he was interested in making a James Bond film, but Lucas pitched him of an idea “better than James Bond”, outlining the plot of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Well, growing up in Germany with all my grandarents being more on the nazi side of WWII, I feel like the US idea of getting rid of nazis is that you just have to fight them like in WWII. It didn’t work though. German society and politics was still very much made up of nazis afterwards. Sure, they got taken the power to act upon their ideology in the same way as before. What you need is a systemic change where fascist ideas don’t have any space anymore, where emancipatory ideas can grow and where people are liberated in who they are and what they think. But the issue is, misogyny and racism like portrayed by the Indiana Jones movies are strictly opposed to emancipatory struggles. Giving discriminatory ideas like these too much space will again lead to more fascist tendencies. My point is, it isn’t always black and white, nazi or not nazi. I have no idea if my grandparents were all nazis. They were just kids brainwashed into this ideology. My granddad fought in the Wehrmacht against the allies, but he was just 17. It is easy to say “punch nazis” or “kill nazis”. But unless you have a clear cut enemy like in a political party or an opposing army, this gets messy pretty quickly.
yeah, you need to kill more of the nazis. you always need to kill more of the nazis. you need to keep killing the nazis until they aren’t nazis anymore.
yes but you can’t allow anyone to be wrong ever
yes, always try for better, but this purity bullshit is not helpful.
clear cut enemy
I dunno, a lot of the nazis around my part of the world are pretty visible. they look like the least fun dudes ever going to a gay leather event, or the obsessively clean cut white guy in a boring shirt. I mean, you won’t get all of them like that, but they do like themselves a uniform, even without an army. like, the burning cross nazis and the swastika nazis and the militia-bro nazis that kind of straddle the line all dress different, but they’re all pretty obvious.
Though the character of Indiana Jones or Harrison Ford as a person aren’t really worth to aspire to. Sure, the nazi punching part is great but being a sexist piece of shit isn’t…
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good here
okay, so, ford I get, but jones was, for a 1930s guy, slightly above average. today he’s the equivalent of a guy who maybe was into jordan peterson a decade ago but thinks this andrew tate shit is fucked and maybe we should treat women like people in theory, but kind of fucks it on the execution, and doesn’t get mad when you call him out on it, but doesn’t quite fix it either. then goes and takes out his frustration on a nazi’s face.
and I’ll put up with a LOT of misogyny to get some nazis punched.
edit: honestly, shitty incel dudes? you can paper over a lot of being “low value” and “creepy” with a wall full of flayed nazi tattoos. I’m not even straight and I’d consider it with enough of them.
Why do you choose to see Jones in the context of the 1930s? It is a character based on the values of the 80s and onward. On top of being misogynistic, the character of Indiana Jones is also being the white hero playing into many racist tropes. So using Jones as this Nazi fighting hero doesn’t work even on the most basic level. Again, I’m all for punching Nazis, but we should choose better heroes or even better: no heroes at all!
I’m pretty sure they were based on books. I could be wrong.
problematic is not the same as nazi. as demonstrated by many of our (great) grandfathers, who killed a whole buncha nazis, and generally believed killing nazis was cool and good, but were still massively racist homophobic transphobic misogynist assholes. again, you can call me whatever slurs you want, as long as you’re shooting nazis in the head while you do.
Indiana Jones is an original character from the movies. That said, he’s certainly based on adventure fiction and movies from the 30’s that inspired Spielberg.
Wikipedia says:
Well, growing up in Germany with all my grandarents being more on the nazi side of WWII, I feel like the US idea of getting rid of nazis is that you just have to fight them like in WWII. It didn’t work though. German society and politics was still very much made up of nazis afterwards. Sure, they got taken the power to act upon their ideology in the same way as before. What you need is a systemic change where fascist ideas don’t have any space anymore, where emancipatory ideas can grow and where people are liberated in who they are and what they think. But the issue is, misogyny and racism like portrayed by the Indiana Jones movies are strictly opposed to emancipatory struggles. Giving discriminatory ideas like these too much space will again lead to more fascist tendencies. My point is, it isn’t always black and white, nazi or not nazi. I have no idea if my grandparents were all nazis. They were just kids brainwashed into this ideology. My granddad fought in the Wehrmacht against the allies, but he was just 17. It is easy to say “punch nazis” or “kill nazis”. But unless you have a clear cut enemy like in a political party or an opposing army, this gets messy pretty quickly.
yeah, you need to kill more of the nazis. you always need to kill more of the nazis. you need to keep killing the nazis until they aren’t nazis anymore.
yes, always try for better, but this purity bullshit is not helpful.
I dunno, a lot of the nazis around my part of the world are pretty visible. they look like the least fun dudes ever going to a gay leather event, or the obsessively clean cut white guy in a boring shirt. I mean, you won’t get all of them like that, but they do like themselves a uniform, even without an army. like, the burning cross nazis and the swastika nazis and the militia-bro nazis that kind of straddle the line all dress different, but they’re all pretty obvious.