• I like Mint and I tried Ubuntu, Debian and even Arch way back in the day just for funsies. I’m not unfamiliar with Unix based systems, I just use creative programs and that is Linux’s biggest Achilles’ heel. The alternatives to Adobe software just don’t have the features I need yet. They’re getting there but at this time it would be a rough transition.

        • Not sure what Adobe products you’re using, or in what application, but I do photography as a hobby and do my editing on my linux machines. Rawtherapee and DarkTable are good alternatives to lightroom, with Gimp being a very good alternative to Photoshop. Gimp is getting better all the time, but Darktable already is a stronger editor than Lightroom.

          Haven’t tried any video editing alternatives (not my thing), but these programs have the added benefit of being free.

          • GIMP is still hot garbage imo, you can do a lot with it but it has a looong way to go before being comparable to Photoshop. It was only last year in 2022 they added CMYK support, that’s insane to me.

            I’m not saying it won’t get to the feature rich state I’m looking for, but it’s got a long way to go. I’m not going to be able to switch from Photoshop for a while. If I did, Affinity is a better program for that but even that is missing a lot of features in comparison. Only for now though, I’m looking forward to the future of these programs.

      • Me too.

        I originally intended to do a pcie passthrough setup with a second video card and use a Windows VM for gaming, but then DXVK hit and it just wasn’t necessary. The Windows games I cared about worked under Linux so I never got around to it.