• I tried it in the past, admittedly a long time ago, and it just wasn’t great for my workflows.

    I use Adobe products for the time being because the other available software doesn’t have the features I need quite yet. They’re getting closer year by year and I could see switching being way easier once they get more feature rich. But for right now I still need Windows for my creative programs.

      • Off the top of my head? Photo editing abilities are much more powerful and precise, handles big files wayyy better and faster at processing, access to TypeKit for thousands of fonts that are included with it, easy export into other Adobe programs for a super easy workflow with no fiddling (aka just import it into Illustrator or InDesign and boom you’re done), setting up actions and/or macros for even easier workflow, built in tutorials for you if ever get stuck and need help and that’s not including the huge amount of community created content for learning the program so documentation is massive compared to other programs. They just added AI generative tools as well that have been a lot of fun to mess with, they’re not part of my workflow just yet but I can see the potential there so that’s kind of exciting.

        That’s just from the top of my head, I’m not going to go through my workflow and pinpoint exactly which features are Photoshop exclusive but the feature list goes on and on and is exhaustive. Each version adding more and more tools that make it easier and more efficient to use.

        Adobe is a shit company but they don’t make shit software, there’s a reason it’s still the go to creative software for most professionals.