If this happens, will it be a mass exodus to Linux/Mac? Or will people just live with it? The fact that the Steam Deck has shown great promise in playing games on Linux has made me reconsider Windows yet again.

  • Actually, if you’re interested, gaming on Linux is great nowadays.
    Nvidia GPUs are not really well supported, but they work.
    However, if you game using Intel integrated graphics or an AMD GPU, the performance is perfect.
    On steam I have yet to encounter a game that does not run well using Proton.

    • My 1050ti had no problems on Ubuntu 20.04lts. I know if you want all the new bells and whistles on the new Nvidia cards that will be a disappointment. I think Nvidia has issues with Wayland, but X11 works

    • I would love to use linux for everything I do on my computer but there are too many games I play that use anticheat that isn’t supported sadly. The use of intrusive kernel level anticheat will hopefully be killed off soon – but for now I have to keep a windows install so I can boot into it for those games.

    • And how well do 3dsMax and Solidworks work? Cause Blender was the first modeling program I ever tried and couldn’t stand the UI, so that’s straight up not an option after 20 years of experience.

      • Blender has come a LONG way in 20 years. I think it beats 3ds max in most categories these days.

        For CAD I haven’t tried solidworks, but I did get Fusion to run. (Also fwiw, Onshape is surprisingly good, and is browser based)

      • Depending on how long ago you tried blender the UI has improved significantly. As far as parametric CAD goes, supported options are still limited. For use in wine someone is working on making easy installers for fusion and solidworks that supposedly work but I just use a virtual machine.