Email is an open system, right? Anyone can send a message to anyone… unless they are on Gmail! School Interviews uses two email servers t…

  • Yeah, as someone who hosts a private email server, don’t do it. I don’t use my mail server for anything remotely important, because I don’t have enough monitoring in place to be sure it’s working 100% of the time. Silently dropping emails is a huge deal, especially if your monitoring is email-based… It’s 100% worth it paying for email hosting if you want to set up custom domains and mailboxes.

    • Incoming mail is the problem? What is the problem? Is it not in a data center? Or is it that you do not have at least two incoming smtp servers so the other can take over when one is down?

      Just curious the root cause of the problem as it is not one I would expect. I found email fairly easy to setup on my VPS, but have not really used it much except for traffic related to my VPS.

      • As far as I know, I’ve never dropped incoming emails, but I have no way of knowing due to insufficient monitoring. My mail server is in a datacenter, but I don’t have any redundancy or failover. It’s not worth my time to set up vs paying someone to manage email for me. Google’s spam filtering and integrations are also better than I’ll ever be able to achieve for $6/month Google Workplace Gmail.