Hoo boy. Not a good look AMD. It was scummy when nVidia did this, it’s scummy when you do it.

  • You haven’t countered the basic fact that you have failed to provide any evidence.

    Starfield isn’t relevant to my argument,

    So… It’s irrelevant to this post because it’s devastating toyour case? Kay

    Consider this [unsubstantiated conspiracy theory]


    perfectly valid hypothesis

    Sure. Now get the data.

    You’re really making mountains out of molehills

    This is projection.

    I’m done here, this is entirely unproductive, you’re not actually listening to my arguments and just wildly speculating from something you’ve already decided must be the case.

    • You haven’t countered the basic fact that you have failed to provide any evidence.

      Every single AMD sponsored game has skipped DLSS despite the fact that implementation is free and trivial.

      So… It’s irrelevant to this post because it’s devastating toyour case? Kay

      How is it devastating to my case? I clearly labeled it as an unknown. It is a test of the predictive power of my hypothesis. If it has DLSS, then my theory can be called into question. If it doesn’t, it becomes another data point.

      Sure. Now get the data.

      Every single AMD sponsored game has skipped DLSS despite the fact that implementation is free and trivial.

      you’re not actually listening to my arguments and just wildly speculating from something you’ve already decided must be the case.

      The core of your argument was that these games lack DLSS because it is not open source. I laid out, very clearly, why that has very little impact on us developers decision making. You haven’t laid out a clear argument for why my explanation is wrong, you are simply attacking the way I constructed it.

      • Saying something is true isn’t data. Share data. It’s not rocket science lmao. Repeating “im right just trust me” isn’t doing anything for your case.

        For the last time, share the data. Substantiate your claims that “every game sponsored by AMD lacks DLSS” (which by the way is not true even given a cursory web search) and how your methodology avoids cherrypicking biases or any other sampling bias.

        I’ll wait.