I already own the original, but back when I got it I was unable to play due to the poor control schemes since I am disabled. Now I own an Xbox Adaptive Controller that I used to play through Elden Ring pretty well. I’d love to go back and play some of the earlier games.

I already own the original. Is it in any better state to play? I remember needing to add a fan patch to fix a lot of the issues. Or should I just get the Remaster and call it a day? Is there a recommended play order? I do see people recommending 3 over the first two if you’re coming off Elden Ring.

Appreciate your opinions.

You all are awesome, thanks so much for your recommendations. Decided to give Prepare to Die another shot with DSFix, DS Config Utility and Widescreen Fixer. Looks awesome!!

If anyone has issues with the HUD at 5120x1440.
In Widescreen Fixer:
Uncorrected Resolution: 2560x1440
Bezel-Corrected Resolution: 5120x1440

  • The original with DSFix will play more or less the same way as the remaster. The big thing you’ll miss out on would be finding and summoning phantoms. The remaster will have a lot more signs to find these days.

    As far as game selection, every souls game has its own “hook” that makes it the “best” game to different people.

    Demon Souls - There’s a lot different here from the rest of the series and some people don’t include it in their lists. The big differences are no Estus flask, healing items are common and you can carry a lot of them; and World Tendency. World Tendency is weird to explain, but the short answer is defeating bosses makes the area easier and dying makes the area harder. Again, it’s more complicated than that, but that’s enough to start on.

    Dark Souls - The game has jank and some balance issues, but the level design and interconnected world is the best in the series. I would say of all the games in the series, this is the game I would most recommend to find a guide if you’re lost. This game has some arcane and bizarre next steps to take that would take hours of wandering to figure out. And if it’s not too late, the best starting gift is the Master Key. The thief class also starts with this if there’s a different gift you really want.

    Dark Souls 2 - The black sheep of the series. In a few ways, it’s a hybrid of Dark and Demon Souls. You have an Estus flask and common healing items. It’s a great game on its own with a lot of great bosses, but there are some rough sections in this game combined with a lock and key system similar to Elden Ring’s Stone sword keys that left me feeling like I was always missing out on something better. The DLC is great. Some people have strong opinions on whether the better version is the original release or the Scholar of the First Sin rerelease. I do not have an opinion. I played Scholar and had a nice time.

    Dark Souls 3 - The best polish of the three Dark Souls games. I’ve played this the most because I have the most fun making new builds in this. It returns back to the general feel of the first Dark Souls, but irons out a lot of the painful little bumps that made the first game annoying. It’s a fantastic game that makes nods and references to Dark Souls 1 a few times. Great game that isn’t going to go out of style any time soon.

    Bloodborne - I got a PS5 last week so I’m finally starting Bloodborne. Rolling is bad and shields are out. Bathe yourself in blood instead.

    TL;DR Yeah play Dark Souls. DSfix and the remaster are basically the same if you’re playing solo. Dark Souls 2 is shippable but is a great game if you have the time and energy. Dark Souls 3 feels the best, but Dark Souls 1 captured lightning in a bottle.

    •  termus   ( @termus@beehaw.org ) OP
      11 year ago

      Got it running pretty well on my ultrawide with DSFix, Widescreen Fixer and the DS Config Utility. Took some tinkering to get the HUD resolution right. It’s a little janky but totally playable. It’s gorgeous otherwise.