I already own the original, but back when I got it I was unable to play due to the poor control schemes since I am disabled. Now I own an Xbox Adaptive Controller that I used to play through Elden Ring pretty well. I’d love to go back and play some of the earlier games.

I already own the original. Is it in any better state to play? I remember needing to add a fan patch to fix a lot of the issues. Or should I just get the Remaster and call it a day? Is there a recommended play order? I do see people recommending 3 over the first two if you’re coming off Elden Ring.

Appreciate your opinions.

You all are awesome, thanks so much for your recommendations. Decided to give Prepare to Die another shot with DSFix, DS Config Utility and Widescreen Fixer. Looks awesome!!

If anyone has issues with the HUD at 5120x1440.
In Widescreen Fixer:
Uncorrected Resolution: 2560x1440
Bezel-Corrected Resolution: 5120x1440

  •  termus   ( @termus@beehaw.org ) OP
    11 year ago

    Got it running pretty well on my ultrawide with DSFix, Widescreen Fixer and the DS Config Utility. Took some tinkering to get the HUD resolution right. It’s a little janky but totally playable. It’s gorgeous otherwise.