Whelp, here we go again

  • This might be an acceptable sollution, but what happens on the other side of the ad? If something maliciously is being spreaded, the click might have to happen in an isolated form from the rest of the system or the browser.

    • I cannot vouch for it, but this is their explanation: https://github.com/dhowe/AdNauseam/wiki/FAQ#does-adnauseams-clicking-put-me-at-risk-for-malicious-ads-or-ransomware

      Does AdNauseam’s clicking put me at risk for malicious Ads or ransomware?

      Absolutely not. AdNauseam simulates clicks on Ads by issuing an AJAX request to the adserver in a background process. This request is made without opening any additional windows or pages on your computer. The text-only request is safely discarded by AdNauseam before it has a chance to execute in the browser (no DOM is constructed and no code is ever allowed to run). Further, all cookies from AdNauseam’s visits are automatically blocked before they reach the browser’s local storage.

      • As a software engineer, I can’t speak about their actual implementation, but I can vouch that it’s a technically sound response, as far as blocking malicious ads from executing code from your browser.

        However, I don’t know what headers or parameters are being sent with the request. It’s possible that a malicious ad could still track you using that metadata, so heads up on that

    • From the AdNauseum FAQ, they issue the ad “click” request in such a way that they are able to immediately discard the response data without feeding it to the browser in any meaningful way, so nothing gets loaded, rendered, etc