The owners of Nebula own half the company, and the creators own the other half. That’s at least my understanding of it generally. I believe Wendover Productions also somewhat recently uploaded a YT video explaining somewhat more in depth how it works:
My understanding is it’s a joint venture between the creators and some LLC (don’t know too much of the details of that), so the creators have at least some ownership stake. The profits from subscriptions get split evenly based on watch time.
I remember them doing a lifetime subscription offer that I was intrigued by, but I can afford to support them through a subscription so I didn’t bite on the chance.
I watched a Wendover video on this recently. Apparently it’s on the contract that creators have stake in the company in such a way that if Nebula ever gets bought out then creators get some proportional cut relative to the value of their content. The specifics aren’t known, but they do also get paid as revenue directly from Nebula whenever they advertise on YouTube.
I had a similar thought. How fair is nebula to their creators? I heard it was somehow creator owned, but other than that I have no idea how it works.
The owners of Nebula own half the company, and the creators own the other half. That’s at least my understanding of it generally. I believe Wendover Productions also somewhat recently uploaded a YT video explaining somewhat more in depth how it works:
50% profits go to creators proportionate to their watch time i think. Wendover productions has a video about the history of the platform LINK
Wendover Productions, one of the owner creators, goes into it here:
My understanding is it’s a joint venture between the creators and some LLC (don’t know too much of the details of that), so the creators have at least some ownership stake. The profits from subscriptions get split evenly based on watch time.
I remember them doing a lifetime subscription offer that I was intrigued by, but I can afford to support them through a subscription so I didn’t bite on the chance.
The most in-depth overview of how Nebula works I’ve seen, straight from the horse’s mouth:
I watched a Wendover video on this recently. Apparently it’s on the contract that creators have stake in the company in such a way that if Nebula ever gets bought out then creators get some proportional cut relative to the value of their content. The specifics aren’t known, but they do also get paid as revenue directly from Nebula whenever they advertise on YouTube.