Whelp, here we go again

  • They’re not just hiding the warning popup, they’re updating the Javascript for the variables that trigger them. We’re temporarily blocked from content if we continue to leave our adblocker on, which is why:

    • The first one disables the warning popup’s trigger (view is false)
    • the second tells YT there are no adblockers (blocks found 0)
    • the third defines an array of where ads are placed in the video (at the following timestamps:      …aka nowhere)
    • the fourth tells YT that instream ads have been allowed

    These are the js variables that YT is using to tell if you’re using an adblocker in the first place. When Youtube tells us we have to disable our adblocker or it will block us, we just put on Marx glasses and tell them we did.

    Youtube’s method will still work on the majority of adblocker users that just use the addon without customising it (or updating it for public filters), so it will work for them. But it doesn’t have to work on us.