ADHD person here. And I’m just so drained from spending hours meticulously looking for (essentially) $20.

It’s not about money — I’ll live without the $20. I’ve just lost so many important things in my life so many times that it drives me absolutely fucking insane. Seething, heart thumping, muscle flexing rage.

And what makes things worse is that I take measures to prevent this from happening. So when I still lose things, the failure just cuts twice as deep.

Not looking for any solutions atm. Just venting to folks who might get it while I physically recover and let the loss go. Thanks all.

  • For me it’s the forgetfulness around this that really grips my shit.

    I lose things because I forget where I’ve put them, or I forget what I was doing when I last had them. My brain just goes off on its own little track, regardless of what I need it to do, then BAM, I can’t find something that my wife is asking me for.

    Completely randomly yesterday, I interrupted something she was saying to me to blurt out where I put the cats’ Dreamies, because I suddenly remembered that I’d put them in an out of the way place so they wouldn’t get to them and tear the packet up. If I’d waited until she’d finished talking, I’d have forgotten, then we’d never have found them again.