we already collectively dislike a substantial number of 0.18+'s UI decisions, most of which are minor but are already adding up to be that much more annoying collectively. maybe we can sand some of these off with theming in the future. for now though please hang with this and petition them to merge better decisions in the future, thanks

  •  Piers   ( @Piers@beehaw.org ) 
    81 year ago

    if lemmy can’t handle us personally saying we dislike a significant number of the software-wide UI choices made by 0.18+, an upgrade that mind you we can’t go back on, i feel like that speaks to a much less healthy ecosystem than this post.

    If, they can’t, should Beehaw plan to fall out with them and lose the ability to be heard about our concerns for the direction of development, or to try to be diplomatic and foster a good working relationship that doesn’t hurt their feelings whether we think it is legitimate for them to be that sensitive or not?

    I think the latter would be far more productive and in better alignment with the ideals of project. The former seems needlessly antagonistic.

    As I said elsewhere, I think it’s completely valid for you (and other people involved in Beehaw’s administration) to be frustrated by problems that occur because of upstream decisions and to want to share and process those feelings with your peers. I’m not sure that this is the best context and way to do so.

    There’s two separate things going on here. There’s your feelings as an individual trying to work with this frustrating situation and there’s the Beehaw admin’s responding to that situation and trying to mitigate it now and influence it to improve in the future. I think both those things are important but that it’s difficult to balance the one against the other effectively.

    • If, they can’t, should Beehaw plan to fall out with them and lose the ability to be heard about our concerns for the direction of development, or to try to be diplomatic and foster a good working relationship that doesn’t hurt their feelings whether we think it is legitimate for them to be that sensitive or not?

      if they can’t handle “wow we don’t like the new UI decisions” and that causes a falling out then i question why we or anyone else would even continue to use their software. in any case though i severely doubt they care. we’ve openly called their political views abhorrent and said we disagree with them in the very context of justifying why we even use their software and are still amicable with them. they’re adults who do this for a living, they’re probably more weirded out by users thinking it’s strange to have admins on this software disagreeing publicly with some of the directions they’ve taken it if anything