Ive looked up tons of reviews on preferences and game compatibility. But i want to know how it actually works in day to day life. Was it a device that will be put to the side in a couple weeks?

  • I’m a steam deck believer. I like a device that is designed to fully utilize its purpose; designed from the ground up to be a steam device.

    I’ve heard good things about the ROG but I can’t imagine it will be fully integrated with steam the way the deck is. Now playing other game launchers perhaps it’s more capable. Again I haven’t researched it or feel a need to so my view is lacking there. But majority of my gaming is on steam library.

    Day to day I haven’t played a game on my purpose built gaming pc since buying the deck (only use my desktop for work programs now.) Device updates are frequent. I’ve personally had no troubles playing most games. One or two games sometimes the developers will say they haven’t worked on portable device compatibility yet. But that’s their problem not really the decks.

    I’ve seen people use it as a Linux computer (not my jam) or as drone devices. It has lots of opportunities beyond gaming surprisingly.

    The trackpads are awesome (I was a big proponent of the Steam Controller with the trackpads.) Remapping of literally every button is glorious and adding action sets is big brain territory. Gyro is so much fun.

    If I had to choose again I’d buy two steam decks. (Again haven’t looked at the other so what do I know).