we already collectively dislike a substantial number of 0.18+'s UI decisions, most of which are minor but are already adding up to be that much more annoying collectively. maybe we can sand some of these off with theming in the future. for now though please hang with this and petition them to merge better decisions in the future, thanks

  • Ever since Beehaw defederated from the major instances I’ve noticed less activity here. I much prefer Lemmy.world these days. I feel like the Beehaw admins should have asked for feedback from the community before defederating. Communities live and die through their users.

    • so much this! creating a community comes first, and if that means people have to put up with a few weird posts here and there, so be it. later on it should be on the users as well to block what they don’t like, not on what’s basically the guys providing the infrastructure. in general, I feel instances are being treated a bit too much like subreddits at the moment.

      also, a functioning community is a precarious and precious thing (as I’m sure reddit is finding out right now), and splitting it in two should always be an absolute last resort. choosing that nuclear option without real need is the admin’s right on their own instance of course (even though it makes them more ban-happy than reddit ever was, and they don’t even have any shareholders to keep happy!), but I personally don’t really agree with it still.

      • I’m assuming you don’t know what you’re writing about when you say “a few weird posts”. Lemmy isn’t ready for what is needed concerning moderation. The vast majority, nearly all Lemmy instances are choosing the only option available to them which is to defederate from other instances. Lemmy.world is doing this as well with no feedback or discussion from users. You’re only noticing it on Beehaw because they decided to value all of its users rather than primarily those unaffected by the malicious actors.