I believe The Beatles: Rock Band came the closest to being perfect. Eveything about that game was just beautifully done and the only things missing was Pro Drums, an option for Keys, and a few more Beatle songs (Hey Jude, Strawberry Fields Forever, Yesterday etc. etc.)

  • Outer Wilds. I consider it the best video game ever made and I’ve spent quite some time thinking about if there’s something I could add, change or remove that would improve it and so far I’ve yet to come up with anything of substance (beyond tiny QoL changes or reeeally nitpicky stuff).

    • I’ve just joined beehaw, this is my first browse, and one of the first comments I see is for Outer Wilds… Feels good. One of my favourite games / stories / media / art pieces ever. I love it and all of the brilliant minds behind it, I’ve never thought so about a game once finished anywhere near as much as this one.

    • Outer Wilds is one of the more interesting games to come out in recent memory, but personally I just didn’t like the


      fairly tight (for me) time limit. I like to do things at a slower pace for a variety of reasons, and I’d love to have a way to change the time scale so that things don’t happen in just 20-something minutes.

      I know it theoretically gives you infinite time to explore and do stuff, but that one cycle is always ~20 minutes, and that’s what I’d love to be able to slow down.

      •  koida   ( @koida@lib.lgbt ) 
        32 years ago

        Funnily enough, from my perspective the 22 minute limit is what allows you to take your time. It makes you stop and think about what you’ve just explored, take a deep breath, and move on to something else that interests you. Otherwise, you might have just nonstop blasted through way too much information without any time to actually digest and understand what you discovered.

      • I liked it and some of the concepts in it are super interesting… But it does feel kind of janky and unpolished at times. I kind of think it’s both an overrated and an underrated game because of this.

    • I adore that game, probably top 3 game of all time imo… however if there’s one thing that stops it being perfect for me it’s the ship control.

      Now I personally didn’t have an issue with it, I think it fits in the games setting and overall theme rather well, but I know a lot of folks fell off the game hard because they really struggled to navigate the space ship.

      Aside from that though, I totally agree.