TLDR of the article:

Google is showing ads outside of YT, in those side players that everyone hates while they just want to read articles, but counting them as normal views.

  •  Rentlar   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Jammi said the lack of visibility into the buying and selling of ads will make it difficult for marketers to evaluate what’s going on.

    “The ad industry has allowed Google to take near total control of their ads, and that’s given way to a major accountability problem,” she said.

    Sucks to suck, advertisers. The whole ad business is made around secret metrics and analytics, now Google holds the cards and you’re upset. And as a bonus you get to deal with Google’s half-automated, half-helpful support (you can guess which half is helpful).

    We need more openness and transparency across the board in all digital industries, that will require a sacrifice of potential profit from digital ad companies too.

    As for what normal users should do for ad businesses? Fuck 'em, use browser extensions like AdNauseam to obfuscate the data companies collect from you and help drive digital ad companies out of business.

    • Google enticed users with extremely minimal ads so we all went there. Marketers now couldn’t really advertise anywhere else, so they all went to google as well. Now that everyone’s on board, google starts the enshittificaiton process. Rinse and repeat.