My parents have been giving a lot of mixed signals so indon’t know if I can come out or not.

On one hand they don’t talk shit and don’t get pissy about pride flags and stuff and actually seem supportive. On the other they are extremely religious. To the point where they get pissed when I don’t want to go to church. Wish I had a clear answer. Extended family is even worse. Everyone is extremely

I don’t even know why I bother. Everything has been crashing down recently. My family is probably unaccepting. I’m pretty sure my boyfriend left me. Don’t know why I keep going. I’m just sick and tired

  • It’s always a huge adjustment when coming out to very close loved ones. I mean, even if you don’t exactly consider yourself close to them there is still that unspoken bond you have. And it is incredibly intimidating to think “how will they react? What are they going to think of me? Treat me?”

    If you’re not sure about it but trust your siblings, you can try asking them how they feel your parents might react.

    Speaking from experience… do not ever let someone force you to come out before you’re ready. Unless it’s 100% your choice to want to do this, ignore anyone who says otherwise. It’s your truth and your feelings. They have no business in it.

    I was young, dumb, and fell for the “I don’t want us to be a secret any more” peer pressure. Regardless of your partners feelings, this is your battle to fight.

    Just keep going. It’ll work itself out when the time is right. When we that may be.

      • Yeah that would complicate things. Can’t exactly trust kids with secrets. Maybe you don’t have a partner right now but at least you have us here to cheer you up!

        Things will eventually get better. It’s cheesy and not always the case for everyone, but it can.

        Now if you’re worried about this in the future, start trying to become as self-sufficient as you can. Save up your money and really start learning some skills. Maybe gardening or wood working (or something that actually interests you.)

        Definitely learn cooking and laundry if you haven’t already. Sewing is good, too. Even if you only know how to sew buttons back on!