Hi all,

I’ve painted some miniatures from one of my board games. It’s the King of the Forest with two dogs and a bird, all grown out of the woods. I really enjoyed painting them, organic shapes and vibrant natural colours make me happy. Would love to hear what you think.

The whole crew together:

A group of 4 miniatures that have been painted. The king is a large humanoid figure, there are 2 dogs, and a bird perched on a tree. They are painted in vibrant greens and browns.

Some pictures of the miniatures by themselves:

The Forest King holding a bow and having a glowing yellow sword on its back.

A painted forest dog, partially standing on a stone, its head lowered but looking up.

A painted forest dog, its head raised up looking out.

A bird with blue-ish feathers perched on a piece of wood. It has a wooden carapace.

AMA about painting miniatures, always happy to chat about that!

  • ahh the yellow is a nice touch too! just a little less noticeable i think because of how small some of the detailing is, and it’s more common in nature in a way than blue tends to be. really nice touch regardless, shows you put a lot of thought and effort into these guys :)