Hi all,

I’ve painted some miniatures from one of my board games. It’s the King of the Forest with two dogs and a bird, all grown out of the woods. I really enjoyed painting them, organic shapes and vibrant natural colours make me happy. Would love to hear what you think.

The whole crew together:

A group of 4 miniatures that have been painted. The king is a large humanoid figure, there are 2 dogs, and a bird perched on a tree. They are painted in vibrant greens and browns.

Some pictures of the miniatures by themselves:

The Forest King holding a bow and having a glowing yellow sword on its back.

A painted forest dog, partially standing on a stone, its head lowered but looking up.

A painted forest dog, its head raised up looking out.

A bird with blue-ish feathers perched on a piece of wood. It has a wooden carapace.

AMA about painting miniatures, always happy to chat about that!

  •  Foon   ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) OP
    21 year ago

    [off topic question: I see a lot of people including image descriptions in text for accessibility purposes. Is there a benefit to doing that instead of/in addition to including alt text with the images, which - if I understand it correctly - will be picked up by screenreaders?]

    •  vintprox   ( @vintprox@geddit.social ) 
      1 year ago

      Screenreader should be able to pick up any alt text and read it out loud - shame that it’s not shown in the tooltip for non-screenreader users here on Lemmy. (There is a clarification for screenreader that textual description (alt text) is bound to the certain image instead of staying in a separate paragraph.)

  • Nice minis! It makes sense that as camouflage, the creatures would all have the exact colors of their environment, but aesthetically, I might mix the base browns and greens lighter and darker for use on the base vegetation versus the creatures – just to make the creatures stand out more.

    •  Foon   ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) OP
      21 year ago

      You make a very good point (and one that I did consider), I entirely agree with you that from an aesthetic point of view, it really wasn’t a good choice to have the bases and the creatures be the same colour. Thematically, though (especially how they’re described in the game, you can barely see them in the forest) I think it’s a great fit. So it was entirely on purpose, and whether it was a good or bad choice depends on what you find important ;)

  • these are crazy impressive! i really love how you captured the grainy wood texture, and your use of blue across the different minis in different way- it really ties them together as a set :) really really nice work!

    •  Foon   ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) OP
      21 year ago

      Thank you, especially glad you noticed the blue everywhere! I also gave them all a bit of the golden yellow (like in the sword and the bow) but the yellow eyes are too small to really be noticeable. :(

      • ahh the yellow is a nice touch too! just a little less noticeable i think because of how small some of the detailing is, and it’s more common in nature in a way than blue tends to be. really nice touch regardless, shows you put a lot of thought and effort into these guys :)