A few examples include s*x questions on askreddit, “this” comments, nolife powermods, jokes being more frequent than actual answers
A few examples include s*x questions on askreddit, “this” comments, nolife powermods, jokes being more frequent than actual answers
Allowing racists and fascists a seat at the table under the guise of ‘fairness’ or ‘free speech’. Reddit became polluted with far-right astroturfing in the last six years.
It is not tolerance to welcome those persons who seek to harm you.
We cannot tolerate intolerance.
In the last 6 years? If anything, reddit got less tolerant of the far right since inception, it just became a bigger deal when they banned them in the last 6 years
You believe what you want to. Nothing I say is going to convince you, random internet person.
I had used reddit since the near beginning, and over time the prevalence of ‘alternative facts’ and other right-wing narratives has risen sharply. You also have communities like r/conservative that participate in open calls to violence and perpetuate right wing dogwhistles for maximum rage bait. The sheer slide of r/politicalcompassmemes going from people role-playing different ideologies to thinly-veiled alt-right propaganda speaks to this shift.
Catering to conservatives and right wing players results in the enshittification of the website.
I think that generally the internet got more of those types of people and they got louder, reddit used to have subreddits whose names were just slurs or subreddits blatantly dedicated to racism. The idea of a “dogwhistle” on reddit didn’t exist because the racists just said and did racist things without fear of being banned.
Yeah, you’re both right. There’s less outright hate now, but more propaganda.
Political Compass Memes is the Fox News version of fair and balanced. It’s intended to convert people with a thin veil of “both sides”. And that thin veil will be enough for a lot of impressionable kids.
Lol I had NO idea that was the original intent… I just knew it was one of them subs I stayed far away from.
Don’t forget r/redpill and the Andrew tate crowd
Well yeah, to continue with the fire metaphor, it’s hard to put out a fire once you’ve already let it get out of hand. PLENTY of people were warning about those communities before they grew into the mob that stormed the capital, for example. Reddit only stepped in and did something about them when it became a bad look for them to let them keep shitting on the lawn.
Then how come I kept running into them all the way until I left Reddit last month?
Reddit is infested with Nazis, and that’s a fact.
I’ll counter and say that calling anyone you disagree with a racist/fascist in order to feel superior.
That shit was rampant on Reddit and seems to be slowly creeping into Lemmy as well.
Lol never mind, I guess it’s rampant here as well.
I’ve never been called either in nearly 12 years on Reddit (and being plenty active with ~120k comment karma).
Maybe if you often get called that you should re-evaluate your opinions?
Yeah, same. I think they doth protest too much lol
You are a fascist.
It’s easy to blend in when you blindly follow the narrative.
As if there is ever one “the” narrative.
Did you experience this often?
Edit: Y U P
I know you think you’re being clever, but you see it in almost every front page thread on Reddit.
Your post history is public.
Not sure how you think any of those comments are some sort of gotcha.
Explain how they are racist/facist instead of just being an emotional child who follows the hive mind.
Also, like a typical Reddit user, you will dig through someone’s post history to find something to discredit them instead of having an actual point.
“dig through”. Man, your comment after this one is defending oil companies. And a few comments before is a ridiculous propaganda talking point.
There’s a very important reason post history is public. It makes this site harder to manipulate than 4chan. It’s so much easier for one actor to overpower 4chan it’s ridiculous. A Reddit operation is still certainly possible, but much more challenging.
Lol defending oil companies. You guys are ridiculous.
I guess pointing out how supply and demand works is “defending oil companies”.
I can give it a shot. This isn’t an attack, it’s me doing my best to break down why people have issues with your comment history. I hope it comes across that way.
I notice in the comments people have issues with you tend to be technically correct, but that isn’t really what matters in those conversations. Examples are the only way I can think to explain this.
Take oil companies, you point out that individual consumption (people filling up their cars) drives the burning of fossil fuels. This is correct, you are stating facts, but missing the bigger picture. The oil companies producing fossil fuels, lobbying governments, and spreading propoganda are a much bigger part of the problem than the individual consumer. In fact, it makes more sense for us as a society to seek large-scale solutions, instead of expecting millions of people to radically change their daily habits. Your comments, while technically correct, serve to put attention on the people doing less harm, a technique oil companies themselves use to disrupt conversations and make the idea of change harder to imagine. This is why people don’t like those comments.
Another example, that supreme court case that found it wasn’t discrimination to deny a specific service to a queer person, based on some reasoning that you ended up defending. Again, you are technically correct in your comments, you put a lot of effort into figuring out how to explain to others in the thread how the SC’s logic works, and why it is not discriminatory. You use examples you came up with, so I know it took some thought.
But did you think about why you were making those comments? Why is it important, in a thread where people are expressing various shades of frustration, anger, sadness at the way institutions are targetting queer people, to point out how the thing they’re mad at isn’t all that bad?
There are social forces much bigger than ourselves, these are big and complex, but the impkrtant thing now is that they operate on the coordinated activity of many individuals. Hatred of queer people is one of those social forces. That supreme court decision you were correcting people on drives the force of queer hate forward, while being caused by it. It does not matter to the bigot if this is technically discrimination, this decision will embolden them to act in bigotted ways, do you really think the average right winger is trying to stay withing the bounds of what is legal? Will the technical differences between this decision and what you would consider bigotry stem the rising tide of violence against gender non-conforming people? People in these comment sections don’t want to hear apologia for the decisions threatening their lives. That’s why they call you a facist.
I would recommend thinking about why you are posting a comment, why you are forming the nareative you are, and what the likely result of posting will be. Who do you sound like when you are posting? What does your questioning add to the conversation? I believe that with some introspection you could figure out why you feel the need to make these comments, and find a better outlet. Don’t tell people they’re wrong about things they care about unless you understand where they’re coming from, especially when those “things” are existiential threats to those peoples’ lives.
For anyone watching this thread this exact post is the kind of shit that should be left to rot in reddit
A post history enables accountability, which is something a lot of people severely lack.
If you take issue with being held accountable for what you say, then perhaps you need to look at what you’re posting.
I have only read the comments here and didn’t look at your post history, because I frankly don’t care enough to, but I would imagine people are assuming you do not argue or debate in good faith. That may be an incorrect assumption, for all I know, but you’ll need to make your positions more clear to people that might feel some type of way about what you’re sayin’.
Jesus Christ, this isn’t high school debate club lol
Mmm, this might be a you problem.
If that’s an issue that actually affects you often enough to complain about it, maybe, uh, maybe you should, idunno, search your soul or something.
You know what they say about someone who is always complaining that every room smells like dog shit when he walks into it.
I never said people called me racist. I was a Reddit lurker. But you see it all over the place and unfortunately here too.
Such a sad way to live, constantly filled with anger and hatred.
Don’t be so quick to dismiss people’s anger. It comes from a place of their own truth. They probably have a good reason for it. Acknowledge the truth first and then address the complaint.
I’ll give you that, but it unfortunately leads to a lot of prejudice and antisocial behavior.
My comment is a perfect example. All I said was that people shouldn’t call others facist/racist, and that was all it took for everyone to assume that I am.
I’ll grant that it is often used as a thought-terminating cliché, and we should all be judicious it its use. But sometimes you just call something what it is.
And 90% of the time it is exactly that.
Everyone should familiarize themselves with the paradox of tolerance if they haven’t already.