A few examples include s*x questions on askreddit, “this” comments, nolife powermods, jokes being more frequent than actual answers

  • I feel like I wouldnt even mind the obvious low hanging jokes if they werent upvoted above any actual relevant discussion about the link or post. And it wouldnt be just the one post on the top I could minimize throughout, it would be posted a lot throughout the thread. I can almost forgive the early comers who came in and rushed to get the joke in first and got it around the same time, but there’d be threads up for minutes to hours and as you scroll down you’d get the repeats. Like I dunno man maybe take 2 seconds to glance at the comments to make sure you’re HILARIOUS post hasnt been made already.

    Then again it’s very possible a large chunk of these might be actual bots hence the lack of any sort of awareness of surroundings.