Just a topic to chat about.

  •  Didros   ( @Didros@beehaw.org ) 
    42 years ago

    I feel the answer to this is education.

    We have never seen what a society could be like if we educated differently and people talk like the way people act can not be modified by education.

    America’s current education system was largely developed alongside the industrial revolution and catters to the needs of a large population doing the same thing on an assembly line for long hours with little breaks. In other countries children are not taught to ask permission to go to the bathroom. People could be taught about their labor movements and the sins of their past. We choose not to change and advance everyday.

    Imagine a populace that should anyone attempt to seize power, they would have few follows and face very strong opposition from the start? I feel education is the answer to this.

    • More than education it’s also organization. Like how everyone in the Fediverse organized to agree to shut Meta out of the Fediverse recently. Unions and federations are how we prevent it. Alongside the education to be wary and recognize the dangers when they appear.