would like it to be similar to based.win

    • here is no such a stuff,

      i wanna advice here one thing, world is big and each of the states got laws which applies to the trade and also to the ecommerce, so you need to have some data on the hand when eventually law enforcement will ask for it, or you would need to proof something to someone, even to customer. You have to know what are you aligible to do, collect and how you are working with data, this goes same for restrictions and mandatories for you,… laws like GDPR in EU.

      its web development, people are studing this for years, backend frontends, idk if you have any skill and exp but there is a,lot of free stuff on the net about web dev.

      long story short, if you will develop, read and understand code, you will know what is about, meaning you can restrict as much you like, therefore protect customer.

      the system is flawed to the root, if you would run some illegal stuff and even make it so that the web will not track, there are many other way how to get the data from you, servers logs, db logs, audit logs, ip logs, ips logs. Out from your hand stuff like local device setups, browser setups …

      we have to try anyways.