What was your first anime? When did you started to watch it? How did you become aware of its existence?
Was it the anime that made you an anime fan? (If you consider yourself as such)
How does it rank for you? Would you say you still like it? Would you consider it one of you favourite anime series?
Akira. Hell of a way to get introduced to anime as a kid.
Same! I remember watching Akira as a kid when it was on TV back in the 90s and it just blew my mind.
Created a life long appreciation for anime and animation in general.
Me too!
I was about 12. The last 1/3rd of that movie really fucked with my kid brain, gave me nightmares for weeks, and turned me completely off from trying any other anime until I found Dragon Ball Z on Cartoon Network like 8 years later. XD
Akira was my intro to anime too. It came on IFC incredibly early in the morning (no idea who picked that time slot) and I was often the only one awake in my house at 4am on a Saturday.