What was your first anime? When did you started to watch it? How did you become aware of its existence?
Was it the anime that made you an anime fan? (If you consider yourself as such)
How does it rank for you? Would you say you still like it? Would you consider it one of you favourite anime series?
TheGiantKorean ( @TheGiantKorean@beehaw.org ) English9•2 years agoAkira. Hell of a way to get introduced to anime as a kid.
triprotic ( @triprotic@beehaw.org ) English3•2 years agoSame! I remember watching Akira as a kid when it was on TV back in the 90s and it just blew my mind.
Created a life long appreciation for anime and animation in general.
VoxAdActa ( @VoxAdActa@beehaw.org ) English2•2 years agoMe too!
I was about 12. The last 1/3rd of that movie really fucked with my kid brain, gave me nightmares for weeks, and turned me completely off from trying any other anime until I found Dragon Ball Z on Cartoon Network like 8 years later. XD
distractedcactus ( @distractedcactus@beehaw.org ) English2•2 years agoAkira was my intro to anime too. It came on IFC incredibly early in the morning (no idea who picked that time slot) and I was often the only one awake in my house at 4am on a Saturday.
HowlsSophie ( @HowlsSophie@beehaw.org ) English8•2 years agoApparently it was Pokemom and then Sonic X, didn’t even know what anime was at the time. My first conscious effort in watching anime was Death Note. Ranks pretty highly for me, still like it, and refuse to watch the Netflix version. The previous live action ones were good but not as good as the OG.
Definitely made me a fan.
MooMix ( @MooMix@beehaw.org ) English7•2 years agoThe first anime I watched fully knowing it was an anime is Vampire Hunter D back in the late 80’s. I still have a soft spot for it.
Dragon Ball and Toonami pulled me back in hard. I loved anime but didn’t have much access to it until Toonami.
I had watched some anime adaptations (Voltron, etc) when I was younger, but I had no idea what anime was back then, and not sure those would count.
wintrparkgrl ( @wintrparkgrl@beehaw.org ) English7•2 years agoOutside of Dragonball and Pokemon, which were were on next to shows like Reboot on toonami, Chobits was among my first anime that I watched knowing what anime was.
I fuckin LOVE chobits
lemillionsocks ( @lemillionsocks@beehaw.org ) English6•2 years agoWhen I was a kid I had a few VHS cassettes with various shows and movies on them that were often recorded from TV. This was before the mid 90s Toonami era made anime popular stateside I was like maybe 2-5 with these tapes I’d watch and I didnt even know they were anime.
One of them was the Little Nemo Movie and the other one was a several episodes of a series called Serendipity The Pink Dinosaur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serendipity_the_Pink_Dragon
Apparently it’s on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZWuTSp9NgM&t
As for first anime I knew was anime thats harder to say but probably Voltron? If not Sailor moon/dbz
BeedYourLastHaw ( @BeedYourLastHaw@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoI had seen a few episodes of Pokémon, Hamtaro (I think that was the name), and Dragonball Z as a kid but wasn’t ever really into anime. A few years ago I gave Deathnote a try and loved it! Earlier this year I watched Cowboy Bepop. I usually enjoy reading manga more though as some shows tend to feel stretched out. It feels like a lot of them don’t translate very well to 20-30 minute episodes.
ModularTable ( @modulartable@beehaw.org ) English1•2 years agoHamtaro will be forever awesome!
Tin ( @Tin@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoBefore I knew what anime was, probably something like Speed Racer.
First “let’s see what this anime thing is about” anime that I watched: Ghost in the Shell (the OG movie). It was a good choice.
t3rmit3 ( @t3rmit3@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoSteel Angel Kurumi and Twilight of the Dark Master My parents really should have been more careful about what I watched. :P
ag_roberston_author ( @ag_roberston_author@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoProbably Pokemon or Dragonball Z.
domage ( @domage@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoSure, if by “watched” you mean really digging into an anime, and if by “anime” we’re talking about stuff from Japan, then my first mind-blowing experience was with “Princess Mononoke”. I saw it on TV and it was totally different, super deep, and nothing like the cartoons I was used to. As for a full series, that’s gotta be Evangelion. I binge-watched the whole thing in just two days. I would still rank them as one of the top anime I ever wached.
Ilflish ( @Ilflish@lemm.ee ) English4•2 years agoI watched a lot of anime as a kid, Pokémon is the likely candidate among them but could also be Digimon or Sailor Moon.
First time I went back to it as a teen was after watching a Death Note YouTube poop. First half is still great and one of the only Dubs I am still inclined to watch
kelvinjps ( @kelvinjps@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoNaruto, There is a lot that I don’t remember how they were called.
Foon ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoI did watch some anime as a kid (Pokémon springs to mind) but I think the first one I really watched as an adult was JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. A friend recommended it to me, and boy was I in for a wild ride! I still feel very fond of it, though I’m not enjoying the last season(s) as much. I don’t think I’ve actually finished watching the last one. But the earlier parts will forever hold a special place in my heart!
UnfortunateTwist ( @UnfortunateTwist@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoSaturday morning cartoons: DragonBall Z, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz. Friend then introduced me to Pokémon. But I just watched these casually.
A few years later, high school friends got me to watch Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Ranma 1/2, Great Teacher Onizuka, Azumanga Daioh, Love Hina, and several Studio Ghibli movies. I’m sure there are more that I’m forgetting, but high school was when it started for me. Action, drama, comedy, romance, slice of life, everything.
GTO is still one of my all time favorites. I’ve rewatched it a few times, read the manga, and watched the live action remakes. This class is known for getting teachers to quit, but Onizuka sensei is a former gang member that has a totally different perspective on life. Because of his background, he has a very different approach to teaching and relating to his students.
There have been a lot of good anime with great stories, animation, comedy, etc. GTO isn’t the best anime ever, but I connected with it on a deeper level, so it holds a special place.
GraceGH ( @GraceGH@beehaw.org ) English4•2 years agoIt depends on what qualifies as “watched”. If you mean “what was the first anime you watched all the way through” it would be some 2012 anime like Code Geass or something. The first anime I ever remember watching seasonally was Parasyte: The Maxim, because a friend of mine told me I might like it but it turned out there was only 1 episode of it out. That’s definitely when
the infectionmy passion for anime began. I started watching everything I could get my hands on seasonally then. Parasyte is still a 10/10 show by the way, and it 2000% holds up today.