What was your first anime? When did you started to watch it? How did you become aware of its existence?

Was it the anime that made you an anime fan? (If you consider yourself as such)

How does it rank for you? Would you say you still like it? Would you consider it one of you favourite anime series?

  • The Wizard of Oz was the first, before I knew there was some sort of a difference between this or that animation.

    The first “proper” one was either Spirited Away, Chobits (by recommendation) or Bleach. I adore Miyazaki’s work still, Wizard of Oz has a special, nostalgic place in my heart and I want to see it again sometime, Bleach I probably couldn’t bother to watch anymore (soooo much filler and pointless fan-service aimed at teenaged boys, I couldn’t stand all that stuff even then), Chobits I might give a spin sometime just to see if it’s at all not-horrible, but it’s been a while so I can’t really remember. The whole virgin-boy wants sex angle and fan-service thing never appealed to me and ruins so many animes that would be good or even great otherwise.