
A shuttle accident leads to Spock’s Vulcan DNA being removed by aliens, making him fully human and completely unprepared to face T’Pring’s family during an important ceremonial dinner.

Written by Kathryn Lyn & Henry Alonso Myers

Directed by Jordan Canning

    • The Temporal Cold War has made ripples in the timeline. The Romulan time traveler in “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” strongly hinted that history was at least a little bit different than it had been, with the date of the Eugenics War as case in point. I think the writers are freeing themselves up to make minor changes to canon. I don’t think it’s a branching timeline, though, it’s still Prime. Just a little bit different, like Gabriel Bell being replaced by Captain Sisco.

    • Two things:

      1. In “A Quality of Mercy”, we know that Una loses her trial (in that episode’s timeline). In “Ad Astra Per Aspera” we see that Pike takes some unusual steps to secure the win. The only difference between the two trials is that in the second case, Pike has knowledge from the future which influences his actions in the present.
      2. In “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow”, we see that Khan does not wage the Eugenics Wars in the 1990’s, but instead during the 21st century. It’s a minor detail, really, but at the same time it’s a clear and deliberate diversion from the original series (where Khan and the wars definitely did happen in the 1990’s).