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Because it doesn’t seem to work as I expected.

I thought if a peertube server follows another peertube server that all the videos that the second server uploads to any channel are automatically pushed into the timeline of the first server. That doesn’t seem to be the case though, I have seen multiple servers that follow each other but the videos posted on one are nowhere to be found on the other.

Why have this servers following servers thing then? Is it just a whitelist? But if it was a whitelist I shouldn’t be able to follow any accounts on other servers from an obscure pt account, which doesn’t seem to be the case also.

Soooooo, any ideas? Just bugs?

  •  heady   ( ) 
    62 years ago

    Servers do not “follow” servers. Servers may allow federation with other servers (utilizing either white or black listing based on specific configuration) but do not make requests to a server unless they have a user who has followed a user on that server.

    The word “user” here can refer to several different types of entities including your user account, a peertube channel or a lemmy community.

    If you follow a peertube channel then it should show up in your timeline provided that your filter settings are not excluding it, say for instance by viewing the local only timeline.

    This is my layman understanding at least from social osmosis but I have never read the activity pub specs.