
A shuttle accident leads to Spock’s Vulcan DNA being removed by aliens, making him fully human and completely unprepared to face T’Pring’s family during an important ceremonial dinner.

Written by Kathryn Lyn & Henry Alonso Myers

Directed by Jordan Canning

        • You’re fortunate to have missed the complaints elsewhere then. It really seems to be an episode that has very strong reactions, but isn’t outright controversial.

          The reaction here seems overwhelmingly positive. Even the fans on old Trek BBS is mostly giving the episode high marks.

          But the review by Trek tie-in author Keith Di Candido at Tor is quite critical, and that group of commentators seem largely to have followed.

          The old sub has more than the usual quotient of nitpicks, but also enthusiasts.

          Trek Movie is one of the few that takes the middle ground saying the episode ‘misses its mark’.