I think it’s stupid and worrying that their ideas are gaining traction.

I am not opposed to people not having children or representing themselves as a block, but the idea that having kids is bad is just plain dumb.

My own experience in life makes it reek a lot like mental health issues in those who are antinatalists.

  •  rayzor   ( ) 
    42 years ago

    you’re forcing someone else to deal with these problems and you didn’t even give them an option - and by the time they’re old enough to understand the magnitude of the problem, they’re in too deep to get out. It just screams of selfishness and duplicity to me.

    this narrative has always been touted that every generation inherits the problems of its ancestors. and yet the world continues to survive and improve. death rates have fallen, infant mortality has fallen, life expectancy has risen, happiness has risen in some countries, mobility across countries has increased for some (but not all or enough). There are problems but I am hoping 100 years from now we’ll solve it and our children will have a better life. Maybe I am an optimist, but all I can use is my own anecdotal experience.

    •  dax   ( ) 
      42 years ago

      oh, I’d say you are an optimist - and that doesn’t mean you’re wrong! I think the reason why this conversation is so contentious is that both sides are right; they just prioritize different things. I’m way more focused on the individuals you’re deciding for, whereas you’re more focused on the collective and the impact it would have.

      I personally hold this opinion that nobody should have kids. Not for a couple decades. None! I also hold the opinion that nobody should ever eat cream cheese, because it’s fucking gross.

      I also think that everyone should be free to have kids or eat cream cheese if they decide it’s right for them.