I think it’s stupid and worrying that their ideas are gaining traction.

I am not opposed to people not having children or representing themselves as a block, but the idea that having kids is bad is just plain dumb.

My own experience in life makes it reek a lot like mental health issues in those who are antinatalists.

  •  dax   ( ) 
    42 years ago

    oh, I’d say you are an optimist - and that doesn’t mean you’re wrong! I think the reason why this conversation is so contentious is that both sides are right; they just prioritize different things. I’m way more focused on the individuals you’re deciding for, whereas you’re more focused on the collective and the impact it would have.

    I personally hold this opinion that nobody should have kids. Not for a couple decades. None! I also hold the opinion that nobody should ever eat cream cheese, because it’s fucking gross.

    I also think that everyone should be free to have kids or eat cream cheese if they decide it’s right for them.